To ensure complete satisfaction is achieved we will continually work on a project until it has attained our high standards, and until the client is satisfied with the results.

Commercial Cleaning eonacsigns

I am very pleased to be able to provide a reference letter for Active Cleaning Services Adelaide.

My customers often request that I recommend someone that can take care of all of their cleaning needs for them, and I never hesitate to recommend Active Cleaning Services Adelaide.

The manager Yophel is always friendly, professional and very responsive to any requests we have and follow matters through thoroughly.

Active Cleaning Services Adelaide have provided me with a high quality office cleaning service the last five years.

My customers have also received cost effective and trouble free solutions to all their cleaning services needs. The staff are well trained and well supervised and we have positive feedback from our customers.

I have had absolutely no hesitation recommending Active Cleaning Services Adelaide in the past and will have no problem to continue to recommend them highly in the future.


Harold Beil Director

EONAC pty ltd

Commercial Cleaning jml

I am pleased to provide a reference for Active Cleaning Services Adelaide, who have assisted with our builder cleaning requirements for the last three years.

We have a good rapport with our dedicated manager, who ensures that all our cleaning requirements are completed in a timely and efficient manner.

I have found Active Cleaning Solutions to be professional in the work they do, offering a personalised, cost effective and trouble free solution to our builder cleaning needs. The staff are well trained and supervised, which is reflected in the positive feedback received from our customers.

I have no hesitation in recommending Active Cleaning Services Adelaide and I will continue to work with them into the future.

Yours faithfully

Mark Lees Director

Commercial Cleaning portadelaidesportssigns

This is to confirm that we have been using the services of Active Cleaning Services to service my clinic for the past three years.

I have found them to be extremely professional and meticulous when cleaning the clinic. When dealing with patients it is of extreme importance that everything is clean to maintain a sterile environment.

I have no hesitation in recommending Active Cleaning Services to future clients.

Rick Montiadis

Commercial Cleaning bible

Following recommendation from the Sports Injury Clinic at Alberton, I have used Active Cleaning Services to clean the church that I attend at St Peters.

We have been extremely happy with the quality of cleaning work carried out and therefore have no hesitation to recommend Active Cleaning Services to future clients.


Commercial Cleaning portiavalleywines

Portia valley Wines use and recommend Active Cleaning Services Adelaide, within our company we have food production, laboratory and office area where hygiene is paramount.

For the staff of Active Cleaning Services Adelaide nothing is too much trouble and their work is always reliable and dependable on following operating procedures. Also their flexibility to perform the cleaning when we are not at work is unobtrusive and a pleasure to come back to a clean environment time after time.

Chris Grigoriou
Managing Director
Portia Valley Wines

Commercial Cleaning pr

I have no hesitation to produce a reference letter for Active Cleaning Services Adelaide.

Active Cleaning Services Adelaide have provided me with a high quality, efficient and professional cleaning service for many years. Their manager Yophel, (highly qualified in this industry), is readily available to attend to any issues and resolve satisfactorily any problems. I have known Yophel for many years and to his credit he has built a professional team of well trained and responsible personnel to tackle cleaning and demanding jobs, simple to very complex.

I confidently and without hesitation recommend Active Cleaning Services Adelaide. I have done so in the past and will continue to do so in the future.

Yours Faithfully,

George Rhigas
Founding Director,
P&R Electrical Wholesalers Pty.Ltd

Our Happy Customers

Commercial Cleaning LivingChoice
Living Choice
Commercial Cleaning GlobeEastEndApartments
Globe East End Apartments
Commercial Cleaning OPSM
OPSM Arndale (Shopping Centre)
Commercial Cleaning RadiologySA
RAdiology SA
Commercial Cleaning AdelaideZoo
Adelaide zoo (Panda exhibit)
Commercial Cleaning WandanaPrimarySchool
wandana primary school
Commercial Cleaning ElizabethPrimarySchool
Elizabeth Primary School
Commercial Cleaning ElizabethGrovePrimarySchool
ELIZABETh grove primary school
Commercial Cleaning StMartinsPrimarySchool
st martins primary school
Commercial Cleaning MawsonLakesPrimarySchool
mawson lakes primary school
Commercial Cleaning Gilles Plains Primary School
gilles plains primary school
Commercial Cleaning Hillcrest Primary School
hillcrest primary school
Commercial Cleaners Satisfaction Guarantee

Customer satisfaction is paramount

Commercial Cleaning Adelaide Awards

Winner of 2006 Small Business Awards
in Trades & Services